Employee Spotlight: Bill Steele - Business Development Manager

Bill's Path to Professional Success

Bill’s career journey began in his father’s business, where he was quickly immersed (like it or not sometimes) in the world of sales, finance, and business operations. This early exposure unknowingly started his passion for customer service. Like many other poor college kids, he honed these skills early on through numerous food service jobs: delivery driver, cook, bouncer, bartender, you name it he’s done it, from Country Bars to Country Clubs!

After college, transitioning from healthcare to insurance sales he started to realize a potentially successful career in customer service and sales. While employed with a large national company, he learned quite a bit about sales, and business operations as a whole. He worked his way up to manage a sales team, deepening his expertise in leadership and strategy. However, his desire for a more personable, dynamic, and growth-oriented environment brought him to Cloudpoint Geospatial.

A Glimpse Into Bill’s Day

Bill’s day typically begins with a glass of V8 and a cup of coffee, setting the tone for a productive day. A regular day might involve anywhere from one to three client meetings, along with handling a steady flow of emails and phone calls. His responsibilities include drafting proposals and quotes, reviewing RFPs, planning marketing strategies, and staying ahead of market trends through research.

As Business Development Manager, Bill drives growth, promotes Cloudpoint’s diverse services, and maintains strong client relationships. He also oversees external marketing efforts and ensures that Cloudpoint is aligned with the latest technology and funding opportunities.

Achievements and Future Goals

Since joining Cloudpoint, Bill has played an integral role in doubling sales, growing the sales and marketing team, launching a successful webinar program, and exhibiting with Cloudpoint at the Esri User Conference for the first time.

In the near term, his goal is to hire an additional sales representative to support the company’s growth. Long-term, Bill’s vision is ambitious: he aims to secure clients in all 50 states, extending Cloudpoint’s reach nationwide.

Industry and Company Insights

Looking ahead, Bill predicts that indoor mapping will soon be as common and essential across industries as outdoor GIS mapping is today. He sees enormous potential for this technology, from utilities to education and public safety.

At present, Bill is focused on capitalizing on the momentum from the Esri User Conference and expanding Cloudpoint’s presence further east by exhibiting at our first Ohio GIS Conference.

Words of Wisdom

For those aspiring to a career in business development, Bill highlights the importance of taking thorough notes, listening attentively, and delivering on commitments. He encourages future professionals not to shy away from new challenges and to always looks for opportunities in unfamiliar places. To succeed, Bill believes it’s crucial to be technologically adept, dedicated, and reliable in following through.

Fun Fact

A little-known fact about Bill: about five years ago, he survived a serious car accident with only minor scratches, a near-miss that turned him into a big advocate for seatbelt safety. So buckle up!

Cloudpoint Geospatial is incredibly grateful to have Bill as a key part of the team. His dedication to customer service, innovative thinking, and leadership in business development have been instrumental in our growth and success. As we continue to expand and evolve, we’re excited for all the future accomplishments we’ll achieve together.