ArcGIS for Local Governments: Solutions Showcase - Morton, IL 2017

Morton, IL - Brian and Jason from Menard County, Illinois were in the Christmas spirit while attending the ArcGIS Solutions for Local Government Showcase.

Morton, IL - Brian and Jason from Menard County, Illinois were in the Christmas spirit while attending the ArcGIS Solutions for Local Government Showcase.

Jordan Miller: What's new with ArcGIS Online

Jordan Miller from Esri presented on what's new regarding ArcGIS Online. Jordan specifically talked about Constituent Engagement & the Latest in ArcGIS Online. Feel free to contact Jordan at with any questions or to request more information.

Jonathan Hodel: Next Generation 911

Cloudpoint Geographics President, Jonathan Hodel, presented on overhauling outdated 911 data with GIS. You can view Jonathan's presentation HERE. Feel free to contact Jonathan at or by calling 877-377-8124 for more information or if you have any questions. 

Matt Junker: Survey 123

Cloudpoint's Matt Junker talked about how organizations can get more data collection done via incorporating Esri's Survey 123 into the field staff work flow. You can view Matt's presentation HERE. Matt can be reached at if you have any questions or if you want more information.

Ed Andrews: How the City of Washington, IL uses GIS daily

Washington, Illinois City Engineer Ed Andrews has been utilizing GIS to improve workflow and increase efficiency. Ed presented on the City's use of ArcGIS Online and how it helps them manage their water utilities for current and future use.

Micah Williamson: Nuts & Bolts of ArcPRO

Cloudpoint's Micah Williamson presented on where ArcPRO currently sits and where it is going moving forward. Micah can be reached at if you have any quesitons or if you'd like more information.

Joe Christian: Cemetery Mapping Solutions

Cloudpoint's Joe Christian presented on overhauling cemetery mapping with GIS. You can view Joe's presentation HERE. Please direct any questions or request for information to

Micah Williamson: Operations Dashboard

Cloudpoint's Micah Williamson discussed Esri's new Operations Dashboard and why it's such an asset to project management. Micah discussed past projects for the City of Decatur and general use for other organizations. Micah can be reached at if you have any questions regarding Esri's Operations Dashboard.

Thanks again to everyone was helped make this event such a great success! We can't wait to do it again in a few months. Remember you can stay current on all things Cloudpoint by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or going to our website.