ArcGIS Server

Apache Log4j Vulnerability: Here's what we know

Apache Log4j Vulnerability: Here's what we know

By now, most everyone in the tech world has heard about the Apache Log4j library vulnerability. While we are experts about all things GIS, we won’t pretend to have all the answers to this problem. However, in the essence of transparency and helping to spread the word, we want to share some general takeaways on what we know and some helpful links for more information.

Need to get your HTTPS In Order? We're here to help.

Need to get your HTTPS In Order? We're here to help.

If you still need to upgrade your ArcGIS Online/Enterprise items to HTTPS this article is for you! Starting on December 8, 2020 ESRI will update their security settings to require all items to be referenced using secure URLs with HTTPS prefixes. This blog article will walk you through the basics of the security change, what it means for your organization, and even how to find and fix items needing updated…

5 Ways to Add a Finishing Touch to Your WAB App

5 Ways to Add a Finishing Touch to Your WAB App

The Web Map and Widgets are the foundation of creating apps in Web AppBuilder (WAB), but there are customizations you can make to add a finishing touch to your app and make it unique.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

The more things change, the more they stay the same

I have installed production ArcGIS Server systems over a dozen times (rough estimate not counting upgrades) at different locations and under different IT environments. It is a world of change from the old ArcIMS days and so much easier. No Apache Server, no Tomcat, no enabling user permissions to make changes to the environmental variables or setting the %JAVA_HOME variable (How many times did a Java update break our sites? Ugh!). That being said each install has its own idiosyncrasies and challenges...

To Portal? or not to Portal?

No, not the game Portal. ArcGIS Portal

Last year Esri released Portal with ArcGIS Server as a free extension. There has been a fair amount of confusion surrounding the product. What is it? Should we install it? What is it? 

One things is for sure; Esri keeps talking about Portal (or at least "a portal") so it must be important, right? Part of the confusion comes with issues of terminology. Another is people being unwilling or unable to explain the difference or what clients should do. I want to help with both. 

If you're a Esri shop, ArcGIS Online (AGO) is the platform through which all your GIS will be pushed out to your customers and users. If it isn't now it will be, so go ahead and relent. That platform is a portal (lowercase 'P'). To induce this platform acceptance, Esri decided to giveaway the server-software that runs ArcGIS Online. That is ArcGIS Portal (Capital 'P').  So you're using a portal when you are using ArcGIS Online and you're using a portal when you are using ArcGIS Portal. Get it? 

Now, Should you install and use ArcGIS Server Portal Extension? Probably not. Just use ArcGIS Online. Here's a quick Frequently Asked Questions when is comes to campaign ArcGIS Online (AGO) v. ArcGIS Portal (Portal)


Q: What about Security? AGO is highly secure by default, probably more secure than your ArcGIS Server installation, which has No security by default BTW. 
Q: Will AGO work with local services running behind my firewall? Yup. 
Q: I don't like my data being hosted on AGO. So don't. the idea of a portal is a window, not a dropbox. 
Q: Do I have complete control over my content? Yup. 
Q: Can the Portal software run on my existing ArcGIS Server? Maybe, but it shouldn't. Are you asking to overload Your PrintServer/FileServer and make it an ArcGIS server too? Recommended Best Practice is to run it on a separate server by itself. 
Q: Will AGO Work without the internet? Ok. Got me there, No. Your users do have to have access to the internet and most subdomains on So you will have to whitelist a fair number of URLs. Whereas portal can completely be on your internal network. Sequestered. 
Q: If I'm offline, how does Portal get updates to the basemaps? You install them.  
Q: Then how about new tools that are release on ArcGIS Online? You Install those too. 
Q: What about other peoples shared data outside my organization? No Workie.
Q: What if, I am using  Portal and I want to upgrade my hardware to meet customer demands? You cancel your weekend plans. 
Q: Seriously, What real benefit to I get from installing Portal? Your own Domain, Hyper-active-Internal-I.T.-Caveman-Security, Lots of extra work and a reason to spend lots of money on infrastructure hardware, bandwidth & overtime. 

A Portal is a place for connections, like an airport

The security thing could be a genuine issue ... for like the Department of Defense. If you are in local government IT, it really isn't a deal breaker. Does Your server have Multi-Factor Authentication? ArcGIS Online is pretty seamless with ArcGIS Server and plus wouldn't you rather offload some of your bandwidth? In most cases (95%) with city/county government ArcGIS Online will most always meet the orginization's needs.

Cloudpoint acquires ArcGIS Server 10.....

We have recently signed up for an

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

account and setup

ArcGIS Server on an EC2 instance

.  To describe it in non-technical terms, we are using Amazon Web Services as a "server" instead of buying our own.  It's not only less direct overhead but also allows for scalability (only use what we need).  To learn more about this visit the

AWS website

.  This means Cloudpoint will be looking to offer a way for our clients to follow the progress of their mapping projects live and up-to-date as they are being completed.  It will also allow us to build some customized applications and have a method for field testing them before deployment.  Many of our clients are looking for ways to better manage their infrastructure and utility assets by way of a centralized GIS and we are working hard to bring the right solutions at an affordable price.  Also we have been telling you about our new website and new look that will be rolling out this summer.  Here is a sneak peak at our new logo...

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