
Opening an Online Store

Cloudpoint team members are awesome.

You'll pardon me a bit to divert from the normally technical nature of this blog to talk about the folks who make up Cloudpoint Geographics.  Remember when you were proud of your school or some club & wanted to wear a t-shirt with a big logo on it? Hoping that someone would ask you about it and you could tell them how awesome it was? 

Our staff was asking for the same thing. Sure, we provide a stipend for team members to purchase nicely embroidered clothing for meetings with clients or standing at a conference booth.  But they want "swag".  We all have access to the folder of images with our logo, there is no proprietary logo-czar here. However, in an effort to be as productive as possible no one took the time. Well, now we did. Welcome to the Cloudpoint Geographics Store:

Check back often and frequently, I'm sure there will be additions, subtractions and more funny geography t-shirts than you could shake a locating rod at.