Wisconsin Land Information Association Virtual Conference - Fall 2020

A day late, but for those of you interested in more information on all things GIS (with some serious land record/Parcel Fabric info. sprinkled in), go to WLIA’s website and register for their Fall Virtual Conference.


“Founded in 1987, WLIA is a grassroots organization representing a collection of concerned professionals working to develop, maintain, and apply a network of statewide land information systems.” - https://www.wlia.org/about

Recent Cloudpoint ArcGIS Indoors project

Recent Cloudpoint ArcGIS Indoors project

This conference runs all week long, with speakers from all over the country talking about topics from using GIS to expand broadband service to ArcGIS Hub.

Our very own Jon Hodel will present on ArcGIS Indoors on Thursday the 15th at 1:00 p.m. (CST)

We hope to see you there!