Esri provides a vast number of resources and applications that enables their users to collect, update, and analyze their asset management data. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how we can use those Esri apps and resources available to us on ArcGIS Online to manage our PCI (Pavement Condition Index) ratings on our road centerlines layer. The use of the Collector App will allow users to view the road centerline features in the field and which roads need inspected. The Survey123 App enables users to perform inspections to update their road PCI ratings, and Operations Dashboard is used to analyze those PCI ratings and make informed, detailed decisions on how to move forward with future construction projects to improve their roads. Combined, these ArcGIS Online applications make managing PCI ratings a breeze! Let’s take a deeper look into all the aspects of this PCI Inspection workflow.
Tracking your projects with Esri's Operations Dashboard For ArcGIS
Given the wide scope of work that GIS professionals complete, it's important for organizations to stay on top of the progress of various projects that are going on. No tool allows you to do this better than the Operations Dashboard application from Esri. The Operations Dashboard allows organizations the ability to monitor work, track field work crews, and view the status of tasks related to specific projects.