We work with a lot of municipal local government clients and have learned over the years that selecting the right GIS asset management solution these days is a critical, time-consuming task. Decision makers can’t afford to make the wrong decision when investing hundreds of thousands of dollars over a period of just a few years. So we thought it would be a good idea to review some basic questions to ask yourself when evaluating which option…
Deploying & Configuring the Citizen Problem Reporter Solution
Of the many deploy able solutions that solutions that Esri offers, The Citizen Problem Reporter Solution is a Crowdsource Reporting Application that can be configured and leveraged for use across organizations. The solution (once deployed) allows the general public to submit non-emergency problems in the community based on problem categories (Animal Problems, Health Problems, Road Problems, etc.) and certain problem types within those categories (Barking or Loud Dog, Standing Water, Potholes, etc.). Like other Esri apps and solutions, the beauty of the Citizen Problem Reporter Solution is highly configurable- meaning it can be set-up to fit the specific requirements/inputs for each individual organizations. In this blog, we’ll take a look at how we’ve utilized this Esri solution here at Cloudpoint Geospatial!
Get some REST!
With the GIS industry acceptance of ArcGIS Enterprise and Online (whether you like it or not) as a location for data sharing and display. We at Cloudpoint Geographics regularly grab REST endpoint of important services that are publicly facing and put them on out internal websites. As well we have an ongoing collection of ArcGIS Online Organizations homepages an Open Data sites as we come across them.
The Escapades of Erin the Engineer: UC Edition
ESRI knows how to put on a show and San Diego seems tailor-made for conferences. If you get a chance to go – do it! The sheer number of sessions and demonstrations assures you will walk away having learned something. The number of people there (18,000+) from around the world guarantees you will meet new people (and not once have to explain what GIS is). At the same time, it is small enough that you can meet up with people you already know and by the end of the week recognize a handful of new faces. And last but not least, San Diego is a fabulous host city. There’s more to do than you will have time for. And the party at Balboa Park is something you have to experience yourself.
Are You ArcGIS Pro-Ready? Check Your System Settings.
Are you ArcGIS Pro-ready? System Requirements Lab has provided a tool (available here or at the system requirements page for ArcGIS Pro) that produces a detailed report in a matter of seconds showing how your system stacks up to the minimum and recommended requirements for running ArcGIS Pro. Please watch this video for more information on how you can easily check your system requirements for Pro.
Using Esri's Story Maps to Map out Team USA!
Tracking your projects with Esri's Operations Dashboard For ArcGIS
Given the wide scope of work that GIS professionals complete, it's important for organizations to stay on top of the progress of various projects that are going on. No tool allows you to do this better than the Operations Dashboard application from Esri. The Operations Dashboard allows organizations the ability to monitor work, track field work crews, and view the status of tasks related to specific projects.
Three New Technical Certifications
Cloudpoint Geographics Inc. is proud to announce that Paul Stephenson, Matt Junker and Micah Williamson have all recently been awarded Esri Technical Certification which recognizes superior skill levels utilizing Esri’s software for geographic information systems (GIS). Paul and Matt were awarded the ArcGIS Desktop Associate Certification. Micah was awarded the Enterprise System Design Associate...
Using Mobile GIS to Get Big Bucks
It's no secret to anyone who knows me, that when the temperature drops and the leaves start to change color, it's time to get into the woods. Chasing whitetail deer through various counties of Illinois is something that I long for and a passion that helps me rest and recharge the batteries of life. There is nothing that equals being able to silently enter the woods and have the wild slowly wake up around you. Hearing the first birds chirp in the soft morning light, followed by the crunching of leaves as two .....
Prairie State Playlist: A Story Map Music Tour Through the Land of Lincoln
Our travels here at Cloudpoint take us to many places throughout the state of Illinois (as well as many other states). In the spirit of our connections to the Prairie State, as well as our varied tastes in music, here is a Story Map that focuses on a selected set of songs that contain Illinois place names in their titles-The Prairie State Playlist.
The Prairie State Playlist is constructed using Esri's Story Map Journal template. Maps of each location comprise the "Main Stage", while information and a link to the song are in the "Side Panel." The maps for the Prairie State Playlist were created in ArcGIS Online as webmaps, and then converted to apps using Web AppBuilder, which allows for a better interface and the inclusion of widgets such as a Legend, Basemap Gallery, etc. The webmaps alone can also be included as content in the Story Map, as well as videos, images, and web pages.
Please browse the Prairie State Playlist and enjoy the music tour through the Land of Lincoln. Along the way, you might pick up some information about Bob Dylan, Tornadoes, and an EPA Superfund site.
Extend your Apps with Custom Widgets in Web AppBuilder
Cloudpoint has successfully upgraded a number of Flex mapping applications to Javascript applications in the past year using Web AppBuilder (WAB). Some of the components that make these apps stand out are widgets that improve the user experience with the app. . Esri packages a number of basic widgets in WAB, but some developers have designed custom widgets that extend the functionality of these applications. A number of these custom widgets were available in the Flex apps and we wanted to honor our client's wishes to provide the same tools and functionality. Here we highlight a few of the custom widgets we configured for our clients.
All of Illinois Geocaches in One Map*
I work for a living, but in the off times I still play with this technology, so I have a Premium Geocaching subscription. This allows me to query their data in circular buffers and return a GPX file. After about 27 of these queries, I was confident that I had all of the cache locations I wanted. Running a few geoprocessing functions, I dropped any duplicates and union-ed these points to county polygons to get the number within each county. This data are reflected in the Classified inset map. What am I talking about? Geocaching of course. If you're reading this tech blog there's a pretty good chance you already know what geocaching is...
Mapping March Madness in Illinois
The Illinois High School Association are purveyors of America's Original March Madness, holding basketball state finals since 1908 (Peoria High was the first champion). The University of Illinois had a longstanding tradition of hosting the boys basketball tournament, and the Assembly Hall provided the backdrop of my first memories of watching March Madness on television, as well as the first time I attended in ...
Zoom to your Room.
ArcGIS Online has released a new update for November.
Here is a list of what was expected.
Among them is a hidden gem that hardly got noticed or mentioned but will change the way we do GIS on the Collector App.
World Imagery, World Street Map, and World Topographic Map will be updated with additional levels of detail in the tiling scheme to support display of larger scale data in or on the basemap.
Did you see it? No neither did anyone at our office. That was until Paul stumbled upon it while using Collector this week during a data collection project. He kept zooming in and zooming in until all the valves were individually visible.
If you have never come across this, it's a BIG stumbling block for utility folks! Lots of these guys have oversized hands and clicking on a bunch of tiny dots can really get frustrating.
This is the difference from an ArcGIS Server Cache to the Esri imagery Basemap
In the past we have created a tile caches down to 1:500 for ArcGIS online (Or 1:250 if they have ArcGIS Server) this allows our clients to zoom in close enough to see the different features. Possibly click on several and hope the one they want got selected.
No More!
Esri updated Three Basemaps (4 if you count Labels) World Imagery, World Street Map, and World Topographic Map that now zoom-in to an unbelievable 1:71 !!! I cannot overstate how awesome this IS. Sure the imagery and maps are a little fuzzy but WHO-CARES at that scale you just want to be able to see the features separately.
If you look into this on ArcGIS Online web map, you can see that it's actually called "Room Level"
**Note if you Don't see this change on the Webmap interface, SAVE your map and try opening it again. AGO is a SAAS, but still needs to update the capabilities of the Webmap.
Now, get out there you large-handed-gorilla & Zoom-Zoom!
Is your GPS taking you the wrong way?
One day as I was working in my county engineer's office at Stark County, IL, a delivery driver stopped in and said "Why are these roads labeled incorrectly on my GPS map?" At first I blew it off thinking that's something beyond my control and I had more important things like ongoing construction projects. After all, we as the local agency were the knowledge experts on local names and places and if these big companies wanted our data they could "come and find us" with their "incorrect" GPS navigation devices. But then I realized what a tremendous benefit this would be to not only the local deliver driver but also emergency response, tourism, and many others.
So how do we get these basemaps updated? First of all, these basemap companies are BIG and there are only a few key players. By basemaps I mean the foundation for GPS navigation on consumer-grade electronics.
There's not exactly a 1-800 hotline that you can call as a one-stop-shop to update everyone in the universe (although that would be nice). There are however, tools that allow you to edit or update the information on your own. This is called crowd-sourcing, where anyone / anywhere can contribute to updating basemap information to benefit the traveling public. Here are some ways to do this for some of the bigger basemap providers out there:
A sample of an Esri basemap
- Esri Community Maps is a collaborative effort by Esri and the ArcGIS community to build the Living Atlas of the World
- Open Street Map is a crowd-sourced application that allows to edit and update street map information used by consumers around the world. All you need is to create a login and learn their simple editing tools.
- HERE, A Nokia Company, who recently purchased acquired Navteq is also a major provider of basemaps. With HERE you can go to their site:
https://mapcreator.here.com/mapcreator/ Map editing tool sign up for an account
https://content.ext.here.com/ Data upload portal (Upload GIS data here)
- Google Maps has a Base Map Partner Program that allows agencies to submit their data in vector format with specific instructions regarding format. In addition to vector data, Google also allows users to contribute to their collection of Cities in 3D, Imagery, and parcel data.
Remember, sometimes it takes some time for it to become active. Yes, real people typically look at the information you submit and actually take time to verify its accuracy.
If you have more ideas, thoughts, etc. please leave them in the comments below.
ArcGIS Pro Demo-nado
OK. The GIS World has had the much anticipated ArcGIS Pro for about 3 months now, and everyone is still using ArcMap. Why? Because change is hard.
Geo-Professionals should really change that, because ArcPro, Pro, ArcGIS Pro, AGP whatever-we-call-it is actually a pretty good product. YES, it has some shortcomings, as most first versions do. However, in a very unofficial tally from a group of 12 GIS professionals, the good outweighed the bad 8-5. Not a blowout be any means, but a positive result nonetheless.
It's no surprise that we (Cloudpoint) are behind the product. Ok, I am. I recently doubled my RAM in may MacBook in-part to be able to devote more speed to Parallels to run ArcPro. It runs well too! Drawing does slightly stutter when in 3D but that doesn't matter because I have yet to be convinced that my clients want or need 3D GIS.
I digress. This morning I created the two videos below in order to demonstrate ArcGIS Pro and several of it's best qualities (not 3D). The videos are fast paced, packed full and I kept them between 6 & 7 minutes. This is not GIS training, you can't train any person GIS in 7 minutes, let alone on a new piece of software. I hope you enjoy them and then download your copy of Pro to try it out.
In this first video of a two-part series, We simply walk around the interface and perform some SIMPLE actions. Opening a Map, Editing map notes and understanding what happens.
In this Second video of a two-part series, we will talk about importing an ArcMap MXD, Editing and touch briefly on navigating layouts.
Please leave a comment on YouTube if you like it.
ArcGIS Collector App- Reviewed
It's no secret that Cloudpoint is an Esri Shop. Being in the Business Partner Network, receiving the AGOL Specialist status ... we drink the kool-aid.
So What? Get over it.
Still, as skeptical consumers and technologists, there is still a part of us that wants to test. Make sure we're progressing rather than regressing. We want to make sure we know and understand the different options for our customers and what has been released. One of the worst things is to spend 100s of hours with your head down working away on a solution only to find out something very close was released for free or very cost-effectively months ago. (True Story)
Getting Back Bing Maps
ArcGIS.com is a great online GIS tool. Earlier this year, Esri had to remove the Microsoft Bing base maps that were previously available to users. All conspiracy theories aside, this was a huge blow to online data collection. The Bing imagery is crystal clear and while second to Google in overall coverage, In a few areas the quality is actually far superior. As well, Esri does not have a good imagery-plus-streetname basemap similar to Bing's hybrid map.
Cloudpoint Joins the Esri Business Partner Network
The Staff at Cloudpoint Geographics Inc is pleased to announce that we are now a part of the Esri Business Partner Network! The Esri Partner Network is a worldwide community of companies that develop and deliver cutting-edge geographic spatial solutions and services based on Esri technology. Together, Esri and its partners collaborate to support end users through successful GIS implementations and repeatable solutions.