Trimble is a global leader in positioning technology and Esri is a best-in-class geospatial software provider. When these two powerhouses converge, great things happen. So you may be asking, ‘How do I get the best of both worlds from these vendors? Now with Trimble Catalyst, getting high accuracy GNSS positioning integrated with the mobile ArcGIS platform has never been easier…
Create Email Notifications from Feature Creation in Field Maps
When mobile data collection takes place, there are multiple ways of consuming that data once it’s been collected. Through the use of Dashboards, Web Apps & Maps, and even through desktop applications like ArcGIS Pro, data can be viewed, queried, edited, etc. However, there could be certain data collection workflows in which real-time notifications would be useful to notify other workers, or members of that organization. For example, if I were adding features in the field to a “City Code Violations” hosted feature layer through Field Maps, I could use a process in the feature’s pop-up to trigger an email to be sent to other users in my organization to notify them of the new violation feature I just created. Follow the steps listed below to implement this process in you organization!
Need Work Order management with Your GIS? Introducing Esri's Workforce for ArcGIS
Workforce for ArcGIS is one of Esri's native GIS applications that allows you to take advantage of a streamlined work order management system that is built directly on top of your GIS platform. This tutorial provides a basic overview of the application both from the desktop browser as well as a mobile perspective. For more information on how your organization can integrate work order management with GIS
4 Ways to Enhance Your Survey Forms with Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS
Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS is a desktop tool that allows you to create and publish survey forms to ArcGIS for your data collection needs. Signing in with your ArcGIS Online credentials connects Survey123 Connect to your organization, and once you create a survey, the form and feature service are stored in ArcGIS Online. The survey form can be accessed and edited in the Survey123 for ArcGIS mobile app, or managed through the Survey123 for ArcGIS website. There are hundreds of ways to enhance your survey forms; here are a chosen few to check out.
Editing Related Records in Collector for ArcGIS
Good relationships are important in Business, Sports, Personal anything, really. Good relationships are important with GIS data as well. Let's take a look at how relationship classes and related data can aid in the GIS data collection process.
A client from a Water Reclamation Department uses the Collector for ArcGIS app to edit Sanitary Sewer Network data. They requested additional attributes for a Lift Stations layer, as well as the ability to add multiple Pumps to each Lift Station. The solution to this request is a related table in a feature service that allows for editing via the Collector app. This is an overview of the process.
Mapping of a runner.
Earlier in my life, I never ran. I mean from bears, sure, probably I would have. I occasionally played a round-ball-type sport that required moving arms or legs quickly. If I had to actually run, I hated every second and would never consider running for health. Well, circumstances change and different things matter as you approach mid-life. Two years ago I found...
How can Your Mobile Device improve traffic sign maintenance?
5 Ways to Add a Finishing Touch to Your WAB App
The Web Map and Widgets are the foundation of creating apps in Web AppBuilder (WAB), but there are customizations you can make to add a finishing touch to your app and make it unique.
10 ways to use GIS for Sidewalk and ADA Compliance
Harnessing the power of Esri's Collector App
Mobile Asset Management Solutions
A large challenge of a small business owner is to keep track of what is going on while being very involved in providing the service. A solution for this problem is asset management. Many asset management solutions can cost thousands of dollars in subscriptions and that doesn’t even include the cost of the equipment...
So what's my accuracy??? Mobile Device GPS with iPad, iPhone, & Android
If you have ever been involved with a GIS project that requires data collection using a handheld device there is no doubt that you at some point ask yourself "Is this spatially accurate enough?". Well here is some evidence that proves those little tiny GPS chips within those smartphones are actually pretty good.