Network Analyst

GeoConX In Chicago

Esri has their mammoth User's Conference every year in San Diego. See Joe's review of that. In an attempt to accommodate specific industries, they also hosts a few much smaller events across the country throughout the year. 

This year the gas, electric & telecom conference, named GeoConX (pronounced geo-connects) was hosted in Chicago. With our client base and perfectly aligned conference in our backyard. both Micah and Paul attended. 

Here are some highlights: 

We were happy to attend at the behalf of our gas, electric and telecommunication clients. There is much to look forward to in the upcoming technology. Notably an entirely new Utility Networking system built to last,  Attribute Validation Rules, Survey123 working with Collector & Workforce, ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, Web-based Dashboards, Hexagon Bins ... Well lets just say it was all notable. 

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City of Bloomington looks to optimize routes

A typical automated collection truck outfitted with optimized routing is an efficiency machine

A typical automated collection truck outfitted with optimized routing is an efficiency machine

The City of Bloomington is practicing good stewardship for the tax payers and looking to improve efficiencies for its solid waste collection program.  To do so, they have hired Cloudpoint Geographics to look at existing garbage pickup locations and  compare them with the GIS roadway network to find the most optimized routes of travel.  These optimized routes will help identify the most efficient routing pattern for trucks based on travel times and traffic patterns.  Some of the benefits the City hopes to recognize as a result include improved customer service; cost savings on fuel, staff, and equipment; equitable workload for route drivers; and the ability to utilize this data for future GPS and real-time monitoring applications.  Questions regarding route optimization can be directed to Jon Hodel at (877) 377-8124.