Company News

Cloudpoint's 2023 Wrapped

Cloudpoint's 2023 Wrapped

As we look back on another successful year in the books, we are thankful for our employees, their families that support them, and of course all of our clients! 2023 had a lot of firsts for the company and tons of growth. We grew not only with the amount of staff and certifications, pushing the boundaries of our geospatial knowledge, but by growing the range of services we provide to clients across the country. Take a peek at our 2023 wrapped, and onward to 2024!

Welcoming Jacob - We're Glad You’re Here!

Welcoming Jacob - We're Glad You’re Here!

As the Cloudpoint team takes on more ArcGIS Enterprise projects and supports an ever-growing client base, our team was in need of additional support in this space. As such, we are thrilled to welcome Jacob Preal, Enterprise GIS Specialist, to the Cloudpoint team. He lives and works remotely out of Southern California.

Welcoming Two Fresh Faces: Meet our Summer Interns!

Welcoming Two Fresh Faces: Meet our Summer Interns!

As the warmth of summer envelops our workplace, we are delighted to extend a warm welcome to two outstanding individuals who have joined our team as summer interns. Their arrival brings a burst of fresh energy, ideas, and ambition to the office, and we are excited to see what they will accomplish!

Cloudpoint Goes West

Cloudpoint Goes West

With the addition of multiple new managed service clients and other large projects in the works, the need arose to grow our production team. We take care in our hiring process to ensure we find the right candidate for us. With that said, we are happy to welcome Haley!