Esri provides a vast number of resources and applications that enables their users to collect, update, and analyze their asset management data. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how we can use those Esri apps and resources available to us on ArcGIS Online to manage our PCI (Pavement Condition Index) ratings on our road centerlines layer. The use of the Collector App will allow users to view the road centerline features in the field and which roads need inspected. The Survey123 App enables users to perform inspections to update their road PCI ratings, and Operations Dashboard is used to analyze those PCI ratings and make informed, detailed decisions on how to move forward with future construction projects to improve their roads. Combined, these ArcGIS Online applications make managing PCI ratings a breeze! Let’s take a deeper look into all the aspects of this PCI Inspection workflow.
Deploying & Configuring the Citizen Problem Reporter Solution
Of the many deploy able solutions that solutions that Esri offers, The Citizen Problem Reporter Solution is a Crowdsource Reporting Application that can be configured and leveraged for use across organizations. The solution (once deployed) allows the general public to submit non-emergency problems in the community based on problem categories (Animal Problems, Health Problems, Road Problems, etc.) and certain problem types within those categories (Barking or Loud Dog, Standing Water, Potholes, etc.). Like other Esri apps and solutions, the beauty of the Citizen Problem Reporter Solution is highly configurable- meaning it can be set-up to fit the specific requirements/inputs for each individual organizations. In this blog, we’ll take a look at how we’ve utilized this Esri solution here at Cloudpoint Geospatial!
When C.O.T.S. Works (and when it doesn't)
Even though we have all become more technically adept, the idea of customized programming is still out of reach for most users. However, that does not stop us from wanting the shiny buttons and slick applications. Enter COTS software. This very blog is written on COTS software. Long gone are the days when a solid grasp of HTML and CSS are needed for a great website. Squarespace, Wix, Google Sites along with probably a dozen other site builders exist to enable YOU to create your own slick website for your company, organization or department.
The Parcel Fabric: What to Know When Going Pro
Cloudpoint From Home
We are all working though these confusing and trying times to find a new normal. There is a plethora of advice for not going crazy and a few tips from other GIS Professionals. I thought I’d share how Cloudpoint Geographics has managed and migrated to a distributed workforce while continuing production on essential projects and even expanding..
What GIS tools & resources are available to battle Coronavirus?
With the coronavirus spreading rapidly, its high-time the GIS community invoke its power of location analytics to help fight off the destructive spread. Tools are readily available to locate, track, and even predict when and where the virus will spread. Esri has numerous resources available such as pre-configured web apps, operations dashboards, and solutions deployment tools. One of the major provisions that have made is incorporation of the Coronavirus initiative into ArcGIS Hub basic so everyone with an ArcGIS Online account has access to the tools and there is no need to purchase the Hub Premium edition
ArcGIS Pro Attribute Rules: Rules you'll love to follow!
Are you a rule follower or a rule breaker? We’ve got both in our office (I won’t mention any names…) but we all agree that Attribute Rules in ArcGIS Pro are the types of rules we can get behind. There are three rule types you can use to help keep your data in check: Calculation, Constraint, and Validation. Today I’m going to give some examples of creating and applying Calculation rules. If you’re an ArcMap user, this will look a lot like using Attribute Assistant, but better.
Tying Together Survey123 and Collector with Related Records
Of the many applications that Esri has developed, Collector and Survey123 are two of the most common and widely deployed. They are both designed for field mobility, allowing users to collect, edit, and enter data from out in the field. Collector allows users to edit layers and enter data on mobile devices while on-site in the field, for example- collecting the location of culverts. What Survey123 allows users to do, is create and publish surveys referencing specific layers of data, for example- performing inspections on those previously mentioned culverts. To get the best of both worlds, why not incorporate those apps with each other so we can access Survey123 and submit surveys as inspection records from Collector? Well, this post will tell you how!
Top 5 differences between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
Are you an occasional Esri software user that is needing to ramp up your game? Maybe its been a couple of years since you dabbled with the GIS software and you have a project that needs a little geospatial touch. One of the questions you may find yourself asking is "What is the difference between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro"?
Get some REST!
With the GIS industry acceptance of ArcGIS Enterprise and Online (whether you like it or not) as a location for data sharing and display. We at Cloudpoint Geographics regularly grab REST endpoint of important services that are publicly facing and put them on out internal websites. As well we have an ongoing collection of ArcGIS Online Organizations homepages an Open Data sites as we come across them.
Extend a Hand: Symbolizing Related Data in ArcGIS Online is Within Reach
A very popular and enduring request of the ArcGIS Online user community has been to have the ability to symbolize features based on data that’s stored as a related record. Well, Esri has listened- and released in a June 2018 update to ArcGIS Online the ability to use related records data like never before. We now have the ability to symbolize and manipulate our data in ways that we previously limited.
Spring Clean Your Web Apps With Group Layer Lists in Web AppBuilder
From 10,000 feet to 1 inch: Bringing GIS indoors
ArcGIS Indoors is a map-based software application that enables property owners to manage all of their facilities across an entire campus in one, centralized, location. With Esri’s latest release of ArcGIS Indoors, their flagship mapping platform now offers a new solution to deliver improved strategic planning, facility operations, and workplace productivity not to mention a host of other benefits. Property managers and facility operations personnel looking for an interactive map-based solution to manage their campus and building data can take advantage of this technology to track and maintain information such as status, condition, inspection history, and asset information for all of their facilities.
ArcGIS Enterprise on AWS
Have you seen all those clever and funny AWS commercials? For the normal GIS person adding yet another platform to learn and use can be a bit daunting. Don’t fret, we are not abandoning you, to put your mind at ease yes, we can handle that for you BUT for those of you who are D.I.Y. Geogeeks; below are some tips.
Need Work Order management with Your GIS? Introducing Esri's Workforce for ArcGIS
Workforce for ArcGIS is one of Esri's native GIS applications that allows you to take advantage of a streamlined work order management system that is built directly on top of your GIS platform. This tutorial provides a basic overview of the application both from the desktop browser as well as a mobile perspective. For more information on how your organization can integrate work order management with GIS
Coming Soon...Esri Introduces New ArcGIS User Types
ILGISA 2018 Review
Well Folks, sometimes busy is just too busy. While we are thankful for the work, We also want to keep you up to date with some of the things we have been doing. Below are a few random images from earlier this week when all the full-time staff attended the Illinois GIS Association annual conference in Lisle. Also, we wanted to have a location to post the presentations that Micah and Erin gave.
The Escapades of Erin the Engineer: UC Edition
ESRI knows how to put on a show and San Diego seems tailor-made for conferences. If you get a chance to go – do it! The sheer number of sessions and demonstrations assures you will walk away having learned something. The number of people there (18,000+) from around the world guarantees you will meet new people (and not once have to explain what GIS is). At the same time, it is small enough that you can meet up with people you already know and by the end of the week recognize a handful of new faces. And last but not least, San Diego is a fabulous host city. There’s more to do than you will have time for. And the party at Balboa Park is something you have to experience yourself.
Are You ArcGIS Pro-Ready? Check Your System Settings.
Are you ArcGIS Pro-ready? System Requirements Lab has provided a tool (available here or at the system requirements page for ArcGIS Pro) that produces a detailed report in a matter of seconds showing how your system stacks up to the minimum and recommended requirements for running ArcGIS Pro. Please watch this video for more information on how you can easily check your system requirements for Pro.
Coffee Shop review form in Survey123
I happen to know a very good barista. I'm biased of course, but my son started informally doing reviews of other coffee shops as he visited them. Living in Eau Claire, there are a lot. He kept all these reviews in his leather-bound journal for later. (a real rustic one, with the long leather straps, like Hemingway) . He said it was mostly for his own notes. You know, because he enjoys it.